Poached Pear & Reduced Sauce
Total Yield: 2 servings
2 pears
16 fl oz apple cider
8 fl oz water
15 g chopped toasted nuts of choice (pecans, hazelnuts or walnuts are good choices)
Prep Method
Choose firm, not overripe pear.
Peel pear. Halve the pear lengthwise. Remove seeds with a melon baller.
Poaching liquid can either totally cover pear or partially cover it (pear should be at least 2/3 covered). If items are partially covered, they should be turned at the halfway point to ensure even cooking. Pear should be covered with a cartouche (parchment paper, cut into a circle and tucked over the pears in the pot).
Before adding pear to poaching liquid, bring liquid to a boil. Add pear, lower heat. Poaching liquid should be 160°- 180° F. Visually, you should see tiny bubbles just breaking on the surface.
Test for doneness by inserting toothpick into pear. Toothpick should go in easily. Pear should be tender but not mushy or soft. Remove the pear from the pot. Lay on a plate to cool.
To reduce poaching liquid to a sauce, remove parchment and increase heat until the poaching liquid simmers. Reduce liquid to a sauce texture, i.e. syrupy and able to coat the back of a spoon (nappé), about 45 minutes. Pour sauce over or pool beneath pear, garnish with nuts, and serve immediately.
Poaching liquid suggestions for pear:
Fruit juice
Fruit juice and water 1:1
Fruit juice and wine 1:1